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The fashion tag...


I wasn't tagged in this but DO I LOOK LIKE I CARE! ugh! I just really liked beauty crush's fashion tag video and i wanted to do it in blog form so HERE WE GO!
1) How would you describe your style?
ERMM i wouldnt say my style could be put in a certain catagory, but i would say im very girly and simple when it comes to outfit choice. But i also like the 1950s/ballet shoes sort of look but it changes A LOT!
2)What are your wardrobe staples?
  • brouges
  • shirts with collars
  • knitted jumpers
  • wooly tights
mainly anything i can layer over or under skirts and pinafores!
3)Most expensive item you own?
I dont really spend a lot on single items apart from topshop things like my pinafore and dress. So it has to be my Cath Kidston saddle bag which i use every single day as my school bag and has lasted for almost 3 years, but will soon have to retire (cry) I love it so so so so much as it is super practical but still looks so pretty!

 4) Most wanted item?
This changes a lot! But at the moment all i want in life is a good pair of wedge heels, and in the middle of art i came across the love of my life. SO it has to be a pair of Stella McCartney wooden wedge pumps! SO BEAUTIFUL...sigh...a girl can dream!

OR! A pair of charlotte olympia Kitty heels in white! SO IN LOVE!

OR! the whole of topshop would be good! (this could go on forever)

5) Favourite Designer?

Im not a designer person but from LFW my favourite collections were Henry Holland's because i loved the bright colours and Christopher Kane's because of the beautiful pastel colours and i love his galaxy print pieces!

6)How much do you spend on clothing?
To be quite honest i have no idea! I go shopping a lot but i really dont spend much, but it changes, sometimes i just go out and spend all my money, and other i dont buy anything! I think it depends on the season and if anything catches my eye really.
7)Favourite places to shop?
H&M, Primark and Topshop are my obvious choices but i also love urban outfitters even though there isnt one where i live, and vintage shops are always good!
8) Favourite fragrance?
WONDERSTRUCK! it smells like everything good in the world.
9)Favourite way to have your hair?

I like having my hair in middle parting and slightly wavy but that takes so much effort as i have pathetic, thin, straight hair! But i also like my hair in side parting as my second day hair keeps a looser, wavy, wild look which is pretty coool! But sometimes if im just chilling doing art homework i like having my hair all tied back in a high pony tail! 
10)What is your go-to outfit when you have no idea what to wear?
I go straight for my denim skater skirt from topshop with my white shirt and red jumper! And dont forget the cute socks!

11)Most prized possesion?

My topshop pinafore as i wear it all the time and i just love it! But i also got a bag yesterday that used to be my aunties and i already love it so much!
I tag;
Ellie-Ellie Etc
I cant wait to read your tags so comment and leave me a link so i can see them all!
Thats all for now folks!
have a great day!
Much love
ps. Im going to be really busy this weekend so i might not get around to blogging, but if i dont i'll do an ootd diary for you!
Song of the day
My boy Lewis' new jam It could be better WHICH I HAVE SEEN HIM PLAY LIVE CKNDVKJN
(there is an official video but it wont let me post it for some reason, so enjoy watching my beautiful boy live in london mwah xo)