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Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

It is somehow—incredibly—almost August 2019, and babies, I am EXCITED. (And I got even more excited after perusing our August 2019 horoscopes, which have good shit in store for us all.) As much as I love summer (barbecues! sunlight! reading and denim shorts and sweating a slow death during my morning runs! etc.!), season changes always feel like a life reset, or a soft do-over. This month is full of surprises for a lot of the signs—and as refreshing as that is, it also feels a little melancholy. Like we’re all on the edge of something bigger. Waiting for something to happen.

And maybe we are. Here’s the thing: A lot of things move slowly. Especially good things, I’ve realized. Writing books, makin’ babies, cooking a really good meal. Graduating college. Listening to your drunk friend tell the same story over and over—they all take effort and time. This big edge—this waiting—is everything!

There are no quick fixes or ways to speed life up to get to the good stuff. It takes however long it takes to figure out what you wanna do for a job, or how you want your life to look. We all just have to work and slog and shake our booties a little bit until it unfolds. Because! It’s all the good stuff!

I want to remember that, moving forward. To stop trying to fix everything, and speed it all up, and make it fit in my backpack or in my grocery bag in one trip. Call it mindfulness, or meditation, or an egg salad sandwich. But I want to savor this last month of summer, and all of its slow, lazy days and fun-filled nights. I want to say no more, and take my time. My goal is to lie on this hardwood floor for at least an hour tonight and go to sleep without shoving a screen in my face.

What will you do with the last of these warm, August nights? Something equally thrilling, I hope.

August 2019 horoscopes for each zodiac sign:

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Aries –

Pay attention to details this August, Aries, as your ruling planet, Mars, moves into Virgo on August 10. For you, this can be challenging. You like to take charge, and are quick to examine the bigger picture. But with Mars in Virgo, details will be important. Given that this planetary alignment only happens every few years, you’ll want to take advantage of the opportunity to fully immerse yourself in a project or idea.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Taurus –

This month is a good time to make amends with family, friends and partners, sweet Taurus. Your ruling planet, Venus, will move into Cancer on August 7, giving you plenty of energy to examine (and hopefully fix) any issues you have in your various relationships. Avoid jealousy, and try not to compare what others have to what exists in your life. Love yourself exactly as you are, while trying to lessen the suffering of those you love.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Gemini –

This month will be full of social commitments and long-term planning, dear Gemini. Responsibility will be more important to you than usual as you make plans for the future—perhaps going back to school, moving or considering a career change. Move slowly and with intention as you plan, and make sure your social engagements help you with that responsibility. Fun doesn’t have to be irresponsible.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Cancer –

It’s time for new beginnings, Cancer. This month will bring you life-changing news, or perhaps help you make a big decision that you’ve been putting off or trying to come to terms with. Try and keep an open mind moving forward, and focus on your needs over your wants. There’s time for what you want, later. But building a strong foundation means starting at the root: food, clothing, shelter, sustainable, respectful love and connections, etc.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Leo –

Happy birth month, Leo! We’re all so happy you’re here with us. This month is the perfect time for you to spend time in creative pursuits, and feed your soul. If it’s fun and harmless—go forth and prosper. Don’t be afraid to look stupid, and challenge yourself. Everyone starts off as a beginner, and with your drive and natural talents, a little effort goes a long way.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Virgo –

It’s time to venture out of your shell this month, Virgo. Make time for love and romance (however that looks to you!), and challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone. Your emotional intelligence and charm may make other signs think it comes easy—but I know how much work you put into your relationships. Try not to make any big decisions when you’re feeling less than your best, and remember: “No” is a complete sentence.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Libra –

Compromise will be important for you this month, Libra. As you move forward, remember: A good compromise leaves everyone unhappy! One way to compromise that is slightly less painful is really listening to what people want. Sometimes they say it in nice clear, direct words (rarely!) or sometimes, through their actions. As long as your needs are met and you honor your feelings, be generous and trusting enough to share your resources. More will come.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Scorpio –

August should be a month of healing and restorative practices. Your intensity and passion are unmatched—but even you need to sleep sometimes. Try to reframe what it means to ‘take a break’. We need time to unravel our complex thoughts, learn and reflect from mistakes and successes, and eat a lot of really good pasta while watching terrible TV. Remember that when you are clear, focused and well-rested—the world quakes in anticipation of what you might do to it.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Sagittarius –

Get ready to rumble, cause this month is a doozy! Exercise and eating will be a bigger focus for you this month, Sagittarius, so take care to have plenty of healthy snacks and options around. Exercising will be important not just to keep fit, but a good way to deal with stress and tension. Stay active in any way that you like, and remember: consistency > intensity.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Capricorn –

Relationships and money will be on your mind a lot this August, Capricorn. Your urge to be responsible and stable might conflict with your desire to further your career or try something new. The truth is, with new ventures comes risk. Which can be scary! Especially the unknown, and especially for you. Stretch yourself to invest in your relationship with others, and with money. If it scares you, it’s worth at least considering.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Aquarius –

Time management will be crucial for you this August, as you’ll need to conserve your energy and ideas as much as possible. Your attention will be pulled in many different directions this month—in friendships, family, career, travel. See if you can do a few things well rather than try and address everything at once. Try and be pragmatic as you solve problems, and know that you don’t have to have all the solutions today.

STYLECASTER | Your August 2019 Horoscopes Are In, and They Want You to Know August Is Gonna Be DOPE

Image: Haley Longbottom.

Pisces –

This month may bring new responsibilities at work, or just a general increase of your workload. Perseverance will serve you well now, and in the next several months as Mars enters Taurus, bringing with it a surge of energy that will have your life moving faster than usual. You have everything you need to keep up—but keep yourself healthy (and hydrated, ayyy) as you tackle these new challenges. You can handle this, Pisces. You always do.

As always, check your rising and moon signs for a more in-depth look at your month ahead.

Love, love, love.

from StyleCaster

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