Marcelo Henrique Pilotti will be representing Brazil in the 2nd edition of Mister Universal Ambassador 2016 which will be held in the beautiful island of Bali, Indonesia sometime in September 2016. Bali is considered the second best island according to New York-based Leisure & Travel magazine. Christian Daniel Ortiz of Puerto Rico, Mister Universal Ambassador 2015, will transfer the title to the next winner.
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*More than USD 10,000 Modeling Contract from MUA Partner
*Cash Prize
*Apartment in Jakarta, Indonesia during his reign
*Trophy, Certificate & Sash
*International Travel to minimum 10 countries
*Holiday Package in Bali
*Product & Voucher from Sponsors
*Activities Incentive Fee
*Weekly Pocket Money during his stay in Indonesia
*Involved in Humanitarian Actions which makes him as captivating role model
*Massive Publication in MUA media channels & partner
*Complete Portofolio
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