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Model's streetstyle: Elsa Hosk

This kind of seems to be the Victoria's Secret week, with me talking about three of their best angels. But I guess it makes sense in a way, since none of the angels has done much during fashion week, so they inspired me in other ways.

Elsa is known for many things, and one is her style. She is not shy at all, and likes fashion a lot. She likes to experiment and wear things that many could not pull off. But she can because of her attitude. At the end of the day, it's all about the attitude, never forget that.
Of course, this means that not everyone is going to like what she is wearing. And to be honest, that happens to me many times. I'll see her wearing something that looks amazing on her, but I won't like the outfit as a whole.

Then this happened...the outfit of all outfits! It's the best thing she's ever worn, perfect for her, different, ...I love it!
I particularly love the Versace shorts because, even though I only wear black, I love those kind of prints very much. And I even like the denim jacket, and I never wear denim. But it all works here!

Esta parecer ser la semana de Victoria's Secret, porque he hablado de tres de sus mejores ángeles. Pero supongo que tiene sentido, ya que ninguno estuvo especialmente presente en las semanas de la moda, por lo que me inspiraron en otros sentidos.

Elsa es conocida por muchas cosas, y una de ellas es su estilo. No es nada tímida, y adora la moda. Le gusta experimentar y ponerse cosas que muchos no podrían lucir. Pero ella puede por su actitud. En realidad lo que cuenta es la actitud, no lo olvidéis. 
Por supuesto, esto lleva a que sus looks no sean del agrado de todos. Y, siendo sincera, muchas veces no me gustan. La veo y pienso que a ella la queda genial, pero el outfit en general a mi no me gusta.

Luego ocurrió esto...¡el outfit de todos los outfits! Es el mejor que la he visto lucir en público, perfecto para ella, diferente...¡me encanta!
Sobre todo me gustan los shorts de Versace porque, pese a que siempre vaya de negro, me encantan ese tipo de estampados. Incluso me gusta la chaqueta vaquera, y yo no me pongo cosas vaqueras nunca. ¡Pero todo funciona en este outfit!

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