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Week 391: You want series...I'll give you a series

Weekly Written Review 

It doesn't get easier any easier, it only gets harder. That's real talk. Or maybe I'm making things harder for myself because I love the challenge. I got feedback about my screenplay from a producer on Sunday and it wasn't negative. He said he liked it. He also made a comparison that I later wasn't found about (nothing bad) and his use of the word "series" trigged something me. His only request was for me to send the story beats of my screenplay so he can give better feedback. Instead of giving him that, I've started developing an actual television series. I didn't have to do that but why not. I took his words as a challenge and now I'm making it happen. Plus its actually good. Now I'm in writing mode and I'm enjoying it. Whatever it takes. I'll get it done. The power is in the pen and I'll be wielding until I get what's mine.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

* Returning from Kevin's

* An email from a producer about my screenplay came in. His email wasn't negative but it put me in deep thoughts for a while. The one thing that stuck with me the most was him seeing my screenplay idea as more a series. That put me in deep thought. I thought to myself, "You want a series, I'll give you a series." I relaxed myself by watching the movie Private Parts and two episodes of Atlanta. Before the night was over I conceptualized an idea for a television series. Watch out cause I'm a bad man.

Monday, March 12, 2018

* Series writing...

* Skipped an audition and tennis to focus on the series. I don't ever skip tennis. That's how serious it is right now

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

* Series writing...

* Food 4 Less...

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

* Basketball...

* Commerical audition for Audible...

* Series writing...

Thursday, March 15, 2018

* Audition...weird guy role

* Went to target to pick up Resident Evil but they were out. I picked up Lego Marvel Heros 2 on sale instead. Later in the night, I ordered Resident Evil from Target online.

Friday, March 16, 2018

* Basketball...

* After balling I was supposed to go to a Target east on Olympic (Eagle Rock) but I forgot my ID for the pick up for Resident Evil. I had to go back home for it.

* Spoke to William who provided consultation for my television series

* It took me over 4 & 1/2 hours to get to a Target in Eagle Rock and back home. The bus on the way there was terrible. In addition to that, I went to the wrong Target. There are two Targets in Eagle Rock. I had to walk almost 2 miles to another Target in the rain. What a night. I was too stubborn to call request a Lyft or Uber. If I did that, it would defeat the purpose of buying the game I bought on sale. The power of patience.

Saturday, March 17, 2018

* Hiking at Eaton Canyon with B.N...

* Audition video sent...

As the quest continues...

The future of Late Night

Motown Maurice

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