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Grand Hotel Du Palais Royal, Paris

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (24)

Last week, as the world looked on in horror, I was in Paris. The world turned very dark that day, as the most atrocious attacks were carried out. Luckily I wasn’t near when it happened, but my heart breaks thinking about what was happening outside. I wasn’t too sure how to write about my trip to Paris. As one out of respect, and two because I didn’t leave the hotel except for a quick stroll. 

However I decided to post as we can’t let the terrorist’s win. Paris is one of the most beautiful cities, and I truly have fallen in love with it, so it deserves to be written about. We have to carry on, and show them we can’t be terrorized. I’m not avoiding talking about what happened, but I want to focus on the good of Paris, and the places that make Paris special, so don’t think I’m glossing over the tragedy. 

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (22)
*I apologize for the line across the photos- my brand new camera's sensor went faulty whilst in Paris, so it need's to be returned.

A while back I fancied a weekend away, some time to de-stress and just escape. As they say, Paris is always a good idea.

Me and Dan hopped on the Eurostar after work on Friday and headed to Paris. I was excited as the Grand Hotel Du Palais Royal has been in touch and asked if I’d like to stay with them, and from their website it looked incredible. I was even more excited as Dan didn’t know where we were going, so I hopped to surprise him.

Stepping in through the front doors we were greeted so warmly, with genuine interest in how are day and travel was.

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (21)

The Grand Hotel Du Palais Royal is the only luxury hotel in the vicinity of the Palais Royal, and once you go up a level or two, it overlooks the Palais Royal gardens. I actually noticed a sign in the lobby announcing they had just won  the award of Europe’s Best Boutique Hotel. I was in for a treat then.

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (23)

The interiors of the hotel are absolutely stunning, but the thing that got me was the giant Hermès luggage box! Which has a door and they actually store guest’s luggage in! So much love right now!

However we decided to head up to our room for the night.

We arrived on the 6th floor, to be told we were staying in the Suite panoramique. A suite? In Paris? It’s like the dream.

I opened the door in gusto… only to be faced with a tony 2*2 room. I was so confused- and yes more than my usual state.

Noting my puzzled face, the concierge said “We have one more floor to go up” and pressed a button next to a pane of glass I had failed to notice. 

A lift came down. A lift, my very own private lift to my room. I think I must have felt what Charlie felt in the glass elevator. 

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (16)

Shirt, Skirt and Shoes from Zara

The suite was unbelievable gorgeous. We had rooms- plural.  With it's chic white walls, gorgeous gold and metallic accents, and refined designer interiors, I think this is what the Parisian dream apartment is like.

But let me show you instead of trying to tell you...

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (3)
Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (2)

A gorgeous dinning room with fresh flowers and gifts. 

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (1)

The perfect Parisian welcome.

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (5)Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (10)
Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (9)

The lounge had these fantastic corner mirrored walls, and a huge sofa, which when you actually don't own one currently, was the first thing I made a beeline for. Oh the simple things in life eh.

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (7)

Erm can I get a oh wow for this chair? I'm a little bit obsessed with furniture at the moment- blame Pinterest- and this is certainly pin worthy.

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (8)
Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (4)

But a hotel's crowning glory is it's bed, and this sure did impress.

Of course being that fateful Friday, we were in doors, and so ordered room service, and I curled up in bed, glued to the TV. 

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (17)Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (18)Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (19)

The food comes from their Le Lulli restaurant, which is headed up by chef Clément Le norcy, who has worked in Michelin starred restaurants. 

This ladies and gentleman is a Croque Madame. Have you ever seen such a more picture perfect one?

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (20)
Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (12)

Oh and it wouldn't be right to go to Paris and not have cheese!

Now the suite panoramique is called so because it has stunning 180 degree views over all of Paris, and what better way to view them than from the humongous private terrace. I can't wait for you to see it more in the next post in the day light.

But seriously, just look at Paris...

Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (15)
Suite Panoramique - Grand hotel du Palais Royal Paris (14)

It is so strange though as that terrace became the place we stood, numb, not with cold, but with just shock. All you could hear was the thunderous roar of siren after siren, after siren. 

It crushes my heart to think what happened in this gorgeous city. But not just gorgeous but kid, as the the hotel staff proved immensely. They really are a credit to the hotel. Nothing was too much trouble for them, and even  in the face of adversity, they were so generous. 

I can't wait to show you more of the place in the next post, as this hotel is just amazing. 

Paris, I love you, stay strong.

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