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Happy Thanksgiving!

I would like to take this time or day to thank all those who have helped me get to where I am in my career.
First and foremost, Stephen Schilling of WE paper, without him 'Frock of Ages' would not even exist,  Jamal Abdourahman of VFW for kicking off my career, Jun Ramos from VMFW for believing in me, Jorge Ramos of Vmfw, Atienne Archer for your direction, Marilyn R.Wilson for being a huge supporter, Myriam Laroche of Eco Fashion Week and Ashleigh Said, for finding me. Industry friends, all you talented designers I am honoured to photograph, the photographers, especially, Daniel Jolly and Chris Pike and Anna. Victoria Radbourne for your valued advise and words of wisdom.

All my followers and viewers, thanks for your support and kind words. Bloggers, you all inspire me.
Designers, especially, Jason Matlo, Evan Biddell, Blake Hyland, Tomita Masahiro (Tommy)and Eason Wang, and A Trace of Grey designs,Claudia and Monique and HUSTLE. All so talented and respectful...no attitude just positive energy.

Little Sisters, for covering my shifts, understanding my dream and being so accommodating and fun!

And finally to my supportive family. Without all of you I would have nothing. Thank you, thank you. I'm sorry I can't be there AGAIN. I'm so sorry for my absence from many family events. :)

Special thanks to my roommate and greatest friend, Joey Alexander, for putting up with my crazy and moods. I love you so much and appreciate all you have done for me. Rob Zieber, Ryan Cheys, Alastair Sutherland, Troy Shannon, Troy for the mall, (sorry I don"t know your last name),Drew deWit, Gina Tubajon, Tammy Low and my loyal friends from H&M.

To my constant viewers...I love you all. You all make me smile with all your kind words. You all inspire me when I'm low, and I thank you for that so much.
You are all in my heart.

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