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Candy coloured and rainproof

There's nothing like a few saccharin-sweet colours to brighten up a rainy day. My sweater was cheap as chips from Tesco - I just can't help myself in supermarkets' clothing sections...! I love the feeling of coming out with bargain-priced, new things for my wardrobe when I only popped in for bananas and some milk :)

As we're still having the wettest official drought on record in the UK (to the rain: please, enough already!), a raincoat is a permanent fixture at the moment... I call this one my "New York jacket". I bought it for our honeymoon three years ago in NYC (it rained then, too) and got to wear it a lot. I love all the colours of the checks, especially how the brownish colour goes with my hair. In fact now I come to think of it, every item I'm wearing (with the exception of the new sweater and a couple of bits of jewellery) is at least three years old. Pretty good wardrobe recycling, eh?

Happy Friday and HAPPY WEEKEND, lovely readers!

P.S. Saw the new Avengers movie last night... exciting doesn't even cover it. It was BEYOND amazing - we're thinking of going again next weekend, and we never make a habit of seeing anything at the cinema twice. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee [excited squeal]

Sweater: F+F at Tesco, Raincoat: Nümph (old), Jeans: Unknown, Shirt: Very similar, Wedges: Levi's I like these ones, Bag: eBay similar, Earrings: H&M, Watch: Debenhams, Bracelets L-R: gold beads H&M similar / Russian doll bracelet Shh by Sadie similar / gold square linked bracelet Debenhams / watchstrap bracelet ASOS / circles & squares bracelet ASOS, Rings L-R: H&M / ASOS (set of 3) / H&M / ASOS, Nails: Models Own Concrete Mixer

Linking up to:

Monday Mingle at Bonbon Rose Girls
Visible Monday at Not Dead Yet Style

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