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Harry Styles and Emma Watson Will Be Dating by End of 2015, According to Psychic

Harry Styles and Emma Watson dating predictionWe've seen the psychic predictions for Harry Styles' love life in 2015 before (involving Taylor Swift and Kendall Jenner, of course), but here's a new angle - what about Harry and Emma Watson hooking up this year?

While rumors are still buzzing about Harry and Nadine Leopold getting romantic, this psychic maintains that a love connection between Harry and Emma could be a thing. Judging from how adorable they were last year at the British Fashion Awards, it's not that far fetched.

Psychic Dean "Midas" Maynard told Heat magazine (via Sugarscape): "I think Harry and Emma will be together by the end of 2015."

If you're looking for more of an explanation, well...he didn't elaborate any further. But we need details, this is too important to just throw one sentence out there and let it float away in the breeze.

Ah well...we'll be watching Harry's dating habits this year to see if this prediction pans out.

from Cambio http://ift.tt/1In4jL3


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